Vocal Pro 101

About the course

This course helps you find your natural and expressive singing voice. You will learn the basis of melody, pitch, rhythm and timing. You will go through a range of exercises which help you with your breath, posture, attitude and release. You will learn to sing popular songs that get you started on the journey of performing in front of audiences. 


• Sing basic shuddh and vikrit swaras • Sing simple sargams • Perform basic rhythms by clapping-tapping • Sing with tanpura

Teachers Offering this course
Harshu Saraswat
Location Surat
Fees starting at
JJ Ruban
Location Bangalore
Fees starting at
Sumit Kukreja
Location Dehradun
Fees starting at
Shivali S
Location Mysore
Fees starting at
Abhishek Mukherjee
Location Mumbai
Fees starting at
Ayushi Mishra
Location Kota
Fees starting at
Tina Karmarkar
Location Kolkata
Fees starting at
Love Deep
Location Amritsar
Fees starting at
Anand Prasad
Location Darjeeling
Fees starting at
Vinod Kumar
Location Jalandhar
Fees starting at
Anupreet Kaur
Location Surat
Fees starting at
Dorin Saikia
Location Tinsukia
Fees starting at
Santosh Naik
Location Kalyan
Fees starting at
Sruthi Ranjani M J
Location Chennai
Fees starting at
Debdattaa Poddar
Location Kolkata
Fees starting at
Lucky Gill
Location Mohali
Fees starting at
Tanuja Adhikari
Location Gurgaon
Fees starting at
Shrusty Bansod
Location Mumbai
Fees starting at
Suchayan Maity
Location Kolkata
Fees starting at
Madhuchhanda Panda
Location Mumbai / Ghaziabad
Fees starting at
Kamna Maheshwari
Location Ghaziabad
Fees starting at
Uday Kamat
Location Mumbai
Fees starting at
Pradnya Phadnis
Location Bangalore
Fees starting at

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