Prayag Vocals Year 5

About the course

Complete detailed study of previous year courses

Ancient forms of anibaddh singing Ragaalap, Rupkalap, Alaptigan, Sththan-niyama, Bidari, Raga Lakshman, Jaati-gaayan and features, Sanyas Vinyasa, Gaikki, Nayaki,

Gandharva Geet (Desi-Margi) showing tirobhav-abirbhav and alpatva bohutva in the course ragas.

In relation to the Shruti-Swar division, the whole history is divided into three main

periods (ancient, middle, modern), the time and difference in th

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Prayag Sangeet Samiti
Teachers Offering this course
Sanjay Baweja
Location Dhanbad
Fees starting at
Sumit Kukreja
Location Dehradun
Fees starting at
Abhishek Mukherjee
Location Mumbai
Fees starting at
Ayushi Mishra
Location Kota
Fees starting at
Tina Karmarkar
Location Kolkata
Fees starting at
Anand Prasad
Location Darjeeling
Fees starting at
Vinod Kumar
Location Jalandhar
Fees starting at
Madhukar Amit
Location Ghazipur
Fees starting at
Anupreet Kaur
Location Surat
Fees starting at
Lucky Gill
Location Mohali
Fees starting at
Virender Kumar Sehra
Location Gurgao
Fees starting at
Suryakant Mishra
Location Delhi
Fees starting at
Tanuja Adhikari
Location Gurgaon
Fees starting at
Madhuchhanda Panda
Location Mumbai / Ghaziabad
Fees starting at
Kamna Maheshwari
Location Ghaziabad
Fees starting at
Soma Bagchi
Location mumbai
Fees starting at
Debu Bhattacharjee
Location New Delhi
Fees starting at
Location Ahmedabad
Fees starting at
Shikha Ghosh
Location Ghaziabad
Fees starting at

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